Lubrication Chart and Illustrations
Multi-Function Control Handle Switches
Electric Motors General
Traction Motors 24 and 36 Volt
Pump Motors 24 and 36 Volt
Auxiliary/Steer Pump Motors 24 and 36 Volt
Electrical Sequence of Operation
Status Codes
Oscillator Card Settings
Steering Control
Adjustments EV-T5PS
Wiring Diagrams NPR-345
Forward and Reverse Switches, Up (Lift) and Down (Lower) Switches and Transducer Adjustments
Periodic Electrical Checks
Oscillator Card Remove and Replace
Solenoid Control Card Trouble Shooting
Axle, Articulation Adjustment
Drive Unit
Traction Wheel and Tire
Caster Wheel and Tire
Brake, Motor
Caster Brake
Brake Bleeding Procedure
Brake Pedal Adjustment
Hydraulic Pressure Checks NPR-345
Hydraulic Sump Tank Filter and Strainer
Hydraulic Schematic NPR-345
Hydraulic Pump Overhaul
Hydraulic Control Valves and Solenoid Control Valves
Auxiliary, Reach and Tilt Control Valve
Reach and Tilt Selector Valve
Side Shifter Solenoid Control Valve (Optional Equipment)
Tilt Cylinder Overhaul
Reach Cylinder Overhaul
Upright and Pantograph Remove and Replace Roller Shim Adjustments
Pantograph and Fork Carriage Assembly
Rail Lift Cylinder Overhaul
Free Lift Cylinder Overhaul
Lift Fork Inspection
Upright Chain Inspection, Adjustment and Replacement
Load Wheels
Specifications NPR-345
Service Weights
Lubricants and Shop Supplies Easy Reference Listing